The list of miniature manufacturers is getting a bit out hand. With the recent purchase of
NUTS! it seems time to focus on a specific area - WW2 this time.
Here is a list of manufacturers of WW2 15mm in some more detail:
Battlefront Germany, Finland Italy, Hungary, Romania, United Kingdom, USSR, USA
Infantry and Vehicles.
Clearly oriented towards Flames of War, so packs might be large. Vehicles have always been regarded as expensive. Happy with the Soviet Red Guard army I have for these rules.
Not sure where to get them from now that Napoleons has closed down... MilSims or Mind Games? Tin Soldier even - what happened to the Brisbane retailers...
EurekaAustralians, Chinese, Italians, Japanese, US Marines
Really nice looking figures.
Typical Eureka - per miniature pricing at
80c ea.
Legions EastEarly Russians, Finns, Hungarians and Romanians
Infantry only.
Nice looking figures, specialised range
Available from the US.
Old Glory - Command DecisionBritish, American, German, Early British, Early German, Russian, Italian, Japanese, French
Infantry and vehicles
Infantry in massive bags of
50 for £9. What an earth do you do with 50 figures in a skirmish game? 10 man packs available from
Skytrex in the UK.
UK - postage expensive.
Peter PigGermans, British, Americans, French, Russians, Italians, Japanese & Dutch
Infantry and vehicles.
Huge selection of infantry, 8 per pack . Nice looking sculpts.
UK - postage will be expensive.
Available from
Micks Metal Models in Australia - no entries in store.
Quality CastingANZAC, Britain, France, German, Italy, Japan, Polish, Soviets, USA
Infantry and vehicles.
Extensive selection of vehicles and good lists of infantry. No pictures. Figures seem to be in lots of 24 for US$10.
US availability - postage again
Quick Reaction Force (QRF)American, British, Bulgarian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian, Soviet
Vehicles and Infantry.
Vehicles are really strong. Basic selection of infantry. Vehicles about £5 - ouch. Infantry £2 for 8. Vehicles seem to be well regarded.
Available from the UK. Postage is again, the enemy - 30% of order.
Australian agent is
Olympian Games (busted website).
Resistant RoostersAmericans, Finnish, Germans, Japanese, Soviets